Trying to Conceive?
Studies show that acupuncture can improve the likelihood of conceiving by up to 70%. Acupuncture improves egg quality, enhances pelvic blood flow, and regulates the HPO axis (aka the system most important in supporting female fertility). Whether you're trying to conceive naturally, hoping to regulate your cycle for future conception, or undergoing a form of assisted reproductive technology (medicated cycle, IUI, or IVF)... acupuncture (and this clinic) is for you.
Common Fertility Acupuncture Treatment Plans
Read more about how acupuncture can fit into your fertility journey. If you have any questions about booking your first appointment, email, and we'll get back to you within 2 business days. We know that once that burning desire to conceive hits, it hits hard. We're here to empower and support you along every step of the way. We understand that scheduling appointment can be a stressor in itself. We take working with your schedule very seriously at Yinergy.
Medicated Cycle
If you're doing a medicated cycle, acupuncture can help improve egg quality, enhance pelvic blood flow, calm the nervous system, and mitigate the side effects of western medications. Common treatment suggestions include:
1x/week throughout medicated cycle, with one appointment recommended on your predicated day of ovulation
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
Yinergy Acupuncture offers on-site pre and post transfer acupuncture if your fertility clinic will have us. If you plan to do in vitro fertilization (IVF), similar to IUI, acupuncture can help mitigate side effects of western medications, improve blood flow to the pelvic region, enhance follicle/egg quality, and relax the nervous system.
Common treatment suggestions for acupuncture in conjunction with IVF:
1x/week throughout medicated cycle
2 treatments on the day of insemination (one directly before, and one directly after)
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Yinergy Acupuncture offers on-site pre and post transfer acupuncture if your fertility clinic will have us. If you plan to do in vitro fertilization (IVF), similar to IUI, acupuncture can help mitigate side effects of western medications, improve blood flow to the pelvic region, enhance follicle/egg quality, and relax the nervous system.
Common treatment suggestions for acupuncture in conjunction with IVF:
1x/week for 12 weeks leading up to the IVF cycle (studies suggest weekly treatment can enhance the success rate of IVF by 70%).
1-2x/week during the IVF cycle
2 treatments on transfer day (one directly before the transfer, and one directly after)
We are Open Monday - Friday
Hours vary, refer to schedule